Hobbock bucket - part of disposal management at the Triemli city hospital

Hobbock bucket - part of disposal management at the Triemli city hospital

In hospitals, there are two types of waste. On the one hand, there is the usual waste, which is comparable to residential waste, and on the other hand there is medical waste, which must be collected and disposed of separately, under controlled conditions. Tear resistant, liquid tight and sealable containers must be used for this. According to the area of use, the bucket must also have UN approval.

The Triemli city hospital also knows these requirements. The right solution was found in our extensive range of plastic containers. Since then, our hobbock bucket has been used in a variety of places at the Triemli city hospital, for example pathology, nuclear medicine and radio oncology laboratory, but also in the kitchen, in A&E and in the gynaecological clinic. Particularly when used in the gynaecological clinic, it is important that the bucket is opaque, large but still light, so that it can be pushed easily. In addition, after closing it should not open at all or be difficult to open. Since choosing the hobbock bucket, we guarantee the constant availability of the product in our warehouse in Ostermundigen, the fulfilment of the requirements of the customer, and adherence to legal conformities. Therefore, the container makes a significant contribution to ensuring the disposal of special waste at the Triemli city hospital every day (www.triemli.ch). 

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