ClimatePartner certified - The new label

ClimatePartner certified - The new label

We have been working with ClimatePartner since 2019 and three years ago our company and all of our products were awarded the climate-neutral label. ClimatePartner is continuously developing its solutions and adapting them to current requirements. This year, the company achieved a new level of climate protection with ClimatePartner certification. The new ClimatePartner-certified label confirms, among other things, that reduction targets are set and reduction measures are implemented, just as we already do as an STI Directory member.

In this context, we have set ourselves the following new target: by 2030, we will reduce our absolute greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by 46% compared to 2019.

This target corresponds to the criteria of the Science-Based Targets Initiative and the ambition level of 1.5°C.

All information on targets, measures, etc. is available on the following website: 

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